Monday, October 19, 2015

Duality - A different face of gifted

When being both/and seems inconsistent with reality.....

Being two different and seemingly opposite things can be hard, being Twice Exceptional or 2E is no exception to this rule of nature. In this video I talk about another "face" of gifted, one that is often misunderstood and seldom discussed with depth or openly invited to participate in the world of gifted. Today, I try to give a bit of a voice to what it is like homeschooling and parenting twice exceptional children.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. Please take a moment to visit others participating in the Gifted Homeschoolers Forum blog hop.


  1. Thanks for sharing this. You're so right: 2E kids are not trying to "pass" as gifted. They *are* gifted. They shouldn't have to choose.

    1. Thank you so much for commenting. It really is tough when 2E children feel they aren't welcome at the table.

  2. Absolutely love this! Hubby and I and all three kids are 2E! When asked why I homeschooled I often said my kids were very square pegs, or too far off from normal in every direction.

    I also get pushback because my kids are fast learners and test in the gifted range and are very creative, but are not DRIVEN. I've been told that kids are not gifted if they arent driven.

    My kids all have emotional issues, too. they were never much welcome anywhere because they acted in ways that made other people not want ot be around them, or else my kids didnt like being around the other people.

    1. Thanks for sharing! I think this issue has driven so many 2E families to homeschooling. Hopefully there will be more inclusiveness soon!

  3. I love 2E kiddos and you're 100% correct: they ARE gifted!!

  4. Thanks for yet another vlog, Doresa. You seem so very comfortable and well prepared as your speak and share your wisdom.

  5. I love, love, love the analogy about the legs and crutches! It is the perfect example to explain why gifted children need accommodations and why they are refused them.

    And I love to listen to your videos. Your tone, analogies, humor--everything--just lends itself so well to making your points.

    You just nailed it again!

  6. You totally crack me up! I never could understand why we can't encourage every child in the way they need to learn & grow. I had great teachers in public rural K-3, they would have to create curriculum for me early on each year since since I could quickly finish compared to my peers. In urban public school the gifted program didn't start for me until 7th grade and sometimes I chose not to participate since it often required more work not more challenging work. We have chosen to unschool are son and this makes it possible for us to help him thrive celebrating his strengths & helping him build upon his weaknesses. I couldn't image sending him to a public school setting where the focus is on making everyone the same.

    Thanks again for your video, I enjoyed it very much!

    1. oops! I forgot to proofread so I typed the wrong word in there. :)
